Peraturan : Kamu tinggal menjawab pertanyaan tentang orang yang kamu tulis. Ingat, jangan lihat pertanyaan tersebut sebelum kamu menulis nama.
Dimulai dari:
1) How long have you known him/her?
kurang lebih 20 tahun
2) Is this person your enemy?
engga dong kan sohib critanya
3) Is this person taller than you?
iyaaaaaaa (ngiri)
1) What do you really think of this person?
kdg baek kdg judes. tp sering judes gitu sih (kok jd curhat?)
2) What ’s their favourite color?
putih kali
3) Ever danced with them?
haha, gila aja
1) Do you like this person?
2) Where did you meet this person?
waktu masuk sma, pas seleksi kelas inter(hakhak geli juga bacanya)
3) How old are they?
1) Do you love this person?
oh tuhan
2) Biggest regret?
3) His/Her hobby ?
belajar sama pacaran (haha fitnah)
1) Have you met their parents?
udah prasaan waktu dia panen durian kelas 1 sma dulu
2) Worst thing about this person?
gada.. anaknya baik bgt (asik era kena puji)
3) Best thing about this person?
baik dan care, gapernah marah dan rajin menabung. ehe
1) Dated this person?
nggak dong. dia suka gue, tp gue gasuka dia. tp dia tetep ngrm relationship request walopun udh d ignore berkali-kali. NAHLOH!
2) When is the next time you will see him/her?
pas buka bersama 2010? -,-
3) Do you go to the same school with them?
sekelas malah pas kelas sepuluh dan dua belas(ga nyambung)
1) Are they a good listener?
kadang. dia mah tiap gue cerita ngambek mulu.
2) Have you ever lied to this
sering. haha maap gun -___-
3) Is this person nice?
iya tapi bnyakan nyebelinnya. hahaha
1) What year are they in?
2) Is he/she your best friend?
3) Ever done something illegal
with this person?
bergosip dan menjelek2kan org ilegal gak?
1) What is this person’s favourite food?
2) How did you meet this person?
temen ngeband, sepupunya jeki
3) Do you trust them?
ngga ah, anaknya ember
1) What is his/her favorite ?
2) Do you know their favourite
i'm a fake - the used
3) What would you do if they
confessed they liked you?
kan udah kejadian. ya gak ki? -_-
1) How old were you when you first met?
mgkn pas balita
2) How did you meet?
kan temen sekampung
3) Ever danced with this person?
pernah loh, nari2 n bikin koreo gajelas gt. zz
1) What would you do if you had never met this person?
gada temen buat gosip ga penting lg dong?
2) Do you like him/her?
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person?
mau kalo dia yg bayarin
M. Munaik
1) Is this person quiet or loud?
brisik bgt. ga brenti ngmg kalo ga dsuruh diem.
2) Name a friend that both of you are close to?
ledy kyknya
3) What colour eyes does this person have?
1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?
nggak, tp dia manggil gue sayang2 gt. naksir kali ya (haha,peace say!)
2) Have you seen this person cry?
pernah dong. lo harus liat kalo nova nangis, melas gitu. kasian, haha
3) Do you know this person middle's name?
1) Are you related?
ya dong. kan dia ceweknya rio (lah, related darimana coba)
2) Could you live with this
bisa2 aja kok, kan dia br ja sembuh dr penyakit alay (ampun tri)
3) Do you believe this person is gay?
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
pernah waktu d jakarta
2) How about making relationship with them?
3) Does this person have a job?
ya. kerjaan dia ngeliatin cewek2 cantik, minta nopenya, ngajak jalan, dan dijadiin pacar kesekian. haha
1) Does this person drink alcohol?
enggalah orang dia anak FSI (cie)
2) Have you seen this person dance?
pernah pernah, waktu nari pas seni
3) Where do they work?
di kampus, di lab, di masjid, di lapangan basket
1) Have you heard this person sing?
dia ngorok juga bernada(ngarang)
2) Do you think this person will repost this?
klo iya kurang kerjaan bgt lo yok!
3) Whats one thing you would change about this person?
cerewetnya itu loh, ga nahan
1) Is this person taller than you?
yadong, org gue cuma sebahu. zz
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?
dulu iya skrg gatau
3) Do they live close to you?
nggak, udh beda provinsi
1) Would you do anything for him/her?
ga janji deh orang si topik suka aneh sendiri(peace loh pik peace-ang goreng)
2) Have you been to his/her house?
blom. tp dia suka nyuruh2 gue ke rumahnya, mau dikenalin sm maknya dia. ye gak pik?(ngarang bgt)
3) Is this person annoying you?
enggakkkkk taufik baik bgt loh, teman lebay segala cuaca (apansih)
1) Is this person in a relationship?
gatau deh setau gue dulu dia sukanya sama yulia iska (trs knp)
2) Do you know where he lives?
skrg d bandung, dulu d pasanehan
3) What colour hair does this person have?
V. Vandi
1) Do you see this person alot?
ga juga jarang malahan
2) When did you meet her/him?
temennya rio, anaknya jahat bgt (sapa jg yg nanya)
3) Is this person your friend?
iyalah masa peliharaan -______-
1) Is this person older than you?
iya dong, 9 taun tuh tuanya.
2) Is this person single?
in a relationship sm poker
3) Do you speak regularly with
this person?
jarang. abis dia takut kalo bicara ma gue, guekan minta duit mulu ma dia
X. ga ada
1) Does this person wear make- up?
2) Does this person play any instruments?
3) What is their favourite sport?
gatau juga
1) Does this person have MSN/AIM?
iyakali,anak gaul sih. -,-
2) Ever gone shopping with him/her?
pernah dulu d bandung, beli flashdisk k BEC (ada yg tanya gak)
3) Does this person have any special skills?
bahasa inggrisnya jago, trus tau bnyk hal gt, yah begitulah